Back to School PPT Preparation
The 2017-2018 school year is around the corner. Parents are eager to get their children out of the house and children are nervous to start another year of school. Soon it will be time to make that trip to the store for pens, pencils, notebooks and all the other goodies necessary to prepare for another school year.
If you have a child with a disability, back-to-school may also include preparing for the first PPT meeting of the year. Reviewing your child's goals and making sure your school system is offering appropriate services so that your child can succeed this year can be an all-consuming task. If you feel as though your child is not performing up to his or her potential, it may be time to reevaluate the education and related services being provided to your child by his or her school system. Unfortunately, it can take months to simply schedule a PPT and make changes to an IEP. During this time, your child may not be receiving an appropriate education and services, so we encourage you to think about whether your child's current IEP is meeting his or her goals.We are here to review your child's records to aid you in deciding whether it is time to seek new services or change the current trajectory of your child to increase his or her chances for success.
And while you're doing this, be sure to enjoy the rest of your summer!